The Affiliate shall be strictly and explicitly barred from making any demand, promises, representations or give any guaranties or warranties whether express or implied on behalf of the firm/Mohit Kumar. The firm /Mohit Kumar hereby expressly prohibits the Affiliate from acting on its behalf. The Affiliate shall be solely responsible for any false promises, representations, demands, guaranties or warranties made by him and shall be liable to compensate the firm /Mohit Kumar and its employees, agents and other authorized persons etc. for any charges borne or losses suffered by them because of the same including reasonable attorney fees. The Firm’s logo, design, trade name, and such things are under the sole ownership of Moht Kumar /Firm and cannot be used by the Affiliate in any of their material without prior written permission from Mohit Kumar. Nothing in the Affiliate Program forms any employer employee or principal agent relationship between the firm/Mohit Kumar and the Affiliate. In addition to the terms laid down herein, the Affiliate shall also be bound by the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy as published on the Website and by the Agreement signed by him/her to be registered as an affiliate. Mohit Kumar/ the firm reserves the right to terminate the relationship upon non performance, violation of any of the federal laws, terms laid herein or in the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy or the Agreement, without any prior notice, reason or compensation to the Affiliate of any kind. Upon termination, the Affiliate shall not be entitled to provide references of any new customers/users and shall also be not entitled to referral fee for any service or product availed by his/her provided references /existing reference /users. Agreement is valid for 360 days unless renewed by Mohit Kumar Mere application of interest to be part of our affiliate program through our website or otherwise does not guarantee your place as an affiliate . There is a detailed short listing procedure and only a select few candidates will be provided final confirmation accordingly Maximum duration from date of signing the agreement for intern affiliate to graduate to performer affiliate is 4 Months regardless of the duration opted for except special approval by the firm /Mohit Kumar. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Zero tolerance for unethical behavior or practice. All disputes and litigation’s will be subject to Delhi jurisdiction only.